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New temporary residents in Grottole

Sarah and Christoph come from Hamburg and have decided to spend some time in Italy, working remotely. Through our experiences, they are discovering the area, the traditions and the welcoming community of Grottole. We asked Sarah, who is an illustrator in life, some questions about their stay in the village and her creative work.

Hi Sarah, tell us something about yourself and why you chose to spend time in Grottole

Hi everyone, I’m Sarah and I’m a freelance illustrator from Hamburg, Germany. Working freelance means that I can work from anywhere, as long as there is an internet connection. I wanted to learn more about Italian culture, meet interesting people and not stay in a big tourist city. I read about the Wonder Grottole project on the internet and was enthusiastic about it. The experiences with the locals sounded very good to me! That is why I decided to spend some time in Grottole in the Wonder Casa.

Tell us what impressed you about the local culture and experiences?

I spent three weeks in Grottole and I loved it! The best thing was getting to know the local people. After a few weeks I got to know the owners of the restaurants and shops and I started to feel at home in Grottole. I had three experiences with the Wonder Grottole community: the historic centre tour, the terracotta tour and the wine experience. I really enjoyed all three experiences, each one was very different from the other. It was great to spend time with the local people and to have the opportunity to learn a lot about the country and its history. During the experiences I was able to ask all the questions I wanted about Grottole, but also about the Italian culture and language.

What are your favourite things about Grottole?

My favourite things about Grottole were the incredible landscape, the architecture of the town and the kindness of the people. I met many shopkeepers and people on the street and everyone was so kind and patient with me as I tried to speak Italian. I really like the fact that this place is so authentic and honest and not touristy or full of people.

To conclude, what is it like working in a small town in southern Italy?

I really like the calm and tranquillity of the village. I have often worked in the garden of the house or on the terrace, and practically the only thing you can hear is the birds singing. It has been very easy for me to work from here because the atmosphere is so relaxing. I am also very inspired by the many beautiful houses and churches in Grottole. I did a lot of sketching in my notebook.

Thank you Sarah, it was a pleasure to host you and we hope to see you again soon

See you soon!